I've gone and bought this crappy CX500, with the intention of making something that looks a bit better! Hopefully the maggot won't turn into a fly!

Not only is this my first attempt at a blog! but it's also my first attempt at creating a"custom" motorcycle!! I don't really know what I'm doing in either case, so we'll see how it goes.

You'll have to look at the photo below to see why I chose the 'maggot'!.........see something good can be found in everything!!

Wrenchmonkees CX

Monday, 2 January 2012

Christmas progress

Well having the Christmas week off meant that not only did I have to suffer the ususal trials of the festive period, but I was able to get some time on the project!

The engine is now cleaned & waiting for the new cam & oil pump chains & a set of seals, so while I wait for them to arrive I thought I'd start sorting out some of the bits & bobs on the forks.

I made brackets for both the Bates type headlight & the mini speedo that I'm using & sorted the mounting positions etc. 

I decided to utilise the old top fork shrouds that also originally supported the headlight, the headlight brackets were cut off as they are surplus to requirements, part of the base was trimmed off & the remaining shrouds cleaned up, they don't look too bad in the rough finish state.

I also have done the first rough pass in cleaning up the top yoke, chopping off the original handlebar mounts & cleaning off the casting line that ran around it.



At the moment I'm not final finishing things until I complete the dry assembly of everything. I don't want to put a whole load of work into something that may get trashed! So don't think that crap look is what I'm going to end up with!

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